
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Life Happens...

Well here I am, and I know some of you have missed me. It seems that as life has been happening over the last couple of months this cracked pot dropped her new habit of blogging. So, to catch everyone up...

When we left off my husband was looking for a new job. Praise the Lord, he has found one. He has been working for a while now and we are so thankful. However, being unemployed for a few months certainly makes a person take stock. God provided for us continually, and I think knowing that we didn't have a choice but to wait on Him made us more aware of His provisions. I know that God provides for me everyday, but how often are we waiting on him for our next meal, a rent payment, or even our survival. I think that often all the "stuff" we have gets in the way of seeing the blessings He gives us. I am thankful that God brought us through this patch so that I can see His provisions clearly.

What are the blessings God has given you that you may have overlooked?


  1. Creativity - My creativity has helped us to stretch a dollar, stretch ingredients, stretch materials, and so much more.

  2. I am not sure to be honest what I may have overlooked. Can you think of anything for me - that you see as my friend?
